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CitiScape Blog

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Volunteer Effort a Success!

CitiScape was given a great opportunity to give back to the community working with the Rebuilding Together Oakland Project. The mission of RTO is to rehabilitate homes for low-income senior and disabled citizens.

In April, RTO repaired Dorothy's house. Dorothy opens her home to women and children in domestic abuse situations, providing a temporary safe home while they figure out where to go next.

"Saturday at Dorothy's house was a success. Allison and I were part of the fence building team, and wow, who knew I could actually build a fence!?! Not just nailing the boards, but setting the posts and even using a jack hammer," said CitiScape Property Manager and RTO Volunteer Organizer, Monier Ziaian.
A BIG thanks to all CitiScape volunteers. CitiScape vendors Rockwell Group and United California Glass & Door donated paint and windows, thank you!

Check out the before and after photos:

For more information about Rebuilding Together Oakland, please visit:

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