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CitiScape Blog

Monday, July 13, 2009

Giving Back to the Community...1 Base-hit at a Time!

It’s a well-known fact that CitiScape Property Management is full of sports fanatics (GO CITISLUGGERS!) , but did you know that CitiScape is a major sponsor of the Junior Giants? Citiscape makes annual donations to sponsor Junior Giants teams and just this past weekend, CitiScape donated $440.00 for the Junior Giants “Stretch Drive” weekend, the Giants vs. Padres series July 9 -12.

A flagship program of the Giants Community Fund, the Junior Giants program "provides a free, non-competitive, co-ed baseball program to more than 15,000 children in over 80 underserved communities.”

“Through Junior Giants, kids are given opportunities for character development, scholarships, and literacy programs. Junior Giants also encourages kids to excel in school, be healthy and get involved in their communities. This approach creates a well-rounded program that offers a positive activity for kids." Read more about the Junior Giants here.

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